Advanced facilities for quicker repair turnaround
Our service facilities are close to you and equipped for a full scope of repairs,
so your operations always have the option to get back to running optimally as quickly as possible.
Our repair workshops house millions of dollars of inventory with thousands of line items, bringing you the fastest possible turnaround time and allowing for operations with minimal interruptions.
In addition to performing all Heli repair services, these workshops serve as parts warehouses, rebuild facilities, locations for field service vehicles and training centres.
In Site
Off Site
Our inventory, teams of trained engineers and fully-equipped field vehicles come together to bring you repair services when and where you need it.
of basic repair costs are fixed upfront
extended warranty
coverage for repairs
part availability
Why choose Heli workshops?
Our inventory, teams of trained engineers and fully-equipped field vehicles come together to bring you repair services when and where you need it.

In-Territory Availability
Our workshops also act as well-stocked warehouses, which are supported by professional storage, handling and delivery to your location.
Highly Trained Personnel
Our workshop engineers and technicians are trained and experienced to diagnose your asset’s issues and conduct repairs to resolve them.
Field Service Vehicles
Off-site Repairs
Heli’s fully-equipped fleet of vehicles cover everything from routine service as in a Customer Value Agreement or specialised repairs requiring high-tech tools.